One of the easiest types of drugs to obtain is marijuana. It's no wonder that marijuana addiction is becoming more and more common. While some people believe that marijuana isn't an addictive drug, the reality is that it is just as addictive as any other drug.

In fact, studies show that marijuana abusers exhibit the same, or similar symptoms as any other drug abuser. The fact is that many marijuana abusers simply cannot stop using, even when they wish to do so.

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When marijuana addicts attempt to stop "smoking weed", they run into the same problems as other addicts. While it might be possible for the addict to stop using the drug for a short period of time there is nearly always a relapse unless the addict follows an established marijuana addiction treatment program protocol.

Unless the addict enrolls in a marijuana addiction treatment program, marijuana addiction cannot be treated effectively.

Symptoms Of Marijuana Dependence

Marijuana users exhibit the same symptoms as users of "heavy drugs." Among the most common is the psychological craving for the controlled substance when not using it.

The marijuana addict is haunted by constant thoughts of how to find more weed. This craving causes the addict to disregard legal constraints or even his own personal safety. When unable to obtain marijuana, the abuser will appear anxious or depressed.

Marijuana can cause some very severe negative consequences. Users routinely suffer some level of memory loss, anxiety and depression.

Withdrawal And Isolation

Even though marijuana is often labeled as a "social drug", these symptoms often compound the problem by causing the user to withdraw from society in favor of a life of isolation. These consequences not only affect the marijuana user, but also his or her family and friends.