The main function of the orgonite is to clean stagnant and negative energies. It has many beneficial effects. I have listed some of the benefits of orgonite below. It was reported the benefits of orgonite users around the world, and most of these effects have been confirmed by my own experience.

Feel better, both physically and spiritually. As a cured energy blockages and energy around you begin to flow unobstructed, life is more pleasant and harmonious. You can also buy orgonite pyramid gem devices online.

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Improve Relationships – for example, many people have gifted their home or workplace with orgonite, and they find that their relationships with family and co-workers increase.

Vivid dreams – This is the effect that a lot of people I know, including the skeptics orgonite, have experienced.

Better sleep – Some people find it difficult to sleep if they have orgonite in the room, because it will take some time to familiarize yourself with the energy environment. In the long run though, it promotes good sleep, and many report that they have been cured of chronic insomnia with the help of orgonite.

Spiritual growth – This is in line with cleaner energy. A home can be like a spiritual retreat orgonised permanently!

Accelerate plant growth – It is one of the benefits orgonite quite clear when tested.

Clean water – Water that has rested on a charging orgonite dishes taste better and feel healthier too.